Texas Chicken

UXUI design / Mini game design


To enhance user loyalty, the client aims to incorporate interactive activities with users. As a result, implementing a daily game that offers rewards is an effective approach to accomplish these objectives.
We have developed two games, the Claw Machine Game and the Slot Machine Game, which were launched at different phrase. 


UXUI Designer

Visual design

Final Product

Let check the process below

1st Game
Claw Machine


  • How might we provide satisfaction to customers within 3 clicks?
  • How might we help customers earn a reward within a few seconds?
  • How might we encourage customers to complete their daily missions?


In order to organise my thoughts, I decided to do the 'Crazy 8' exercise, where I aimed to sketch 8 screens within 8 minutes. However, due to the limiting topic of 'Claw machine,' I only managed to sketch 4 screens by the end.

“Crazy 8” Ideation exercise

User Flow

Design Reference

Regarding the design, our goal is to provide an exciting, surprising, and satisfying experience for customers. Therefore, I have researched game machine designs and observing their decorations, colors, patterns, and other elements.
Furthermore, to align our branding with Texas Chicken, we have decided to use fried chicken as our main graphic element.

Final Product

2nd Game
Slot Machine


  • How might we provide satisfaction to customers within 3 clicks?
  • How might we help customers earn a reward within a few seconds?
  • How might we enhance the enjoyable vibe in the design?

“Crazy 8” Ideation exercise


During the second "Crazy 8" exercise, I made significant progress by finishing 8 sketches, which was an improvement from the first attempt. Before starting, I approached the exercise from the perspective of a regular user rather than a designer of the game. 
I asked myself, "If there was a game that offered rewards, what would I want to see?"

Design reference

Our main objective is to deliver an experience that is exciting, surprising, and satisfying. To maintain consistency in branding, it is preferable for the style to align with the first game. Therefore, we will incorporate shining elements, appropriate fonts, and captivating colors to create the desired vibe.

Final Product


This is my first attempt at designing a mobile game, even if it's a simple mini-game with just a few clicks. It's a significant challenge for me since I'm not an expert at creating elaborate designs. However, I see it as an exciting opportunity to design a game and I'm determined to give it my best.

To prepare for this project, I conducted thorough research and analysed the mobile games I've played. I discovered various methods that contribute to a satisfying user experience, such as character animations, captivating quotes, vibrant colors, and rewarding elements that bring joy to players.

However, I believe there's still room for improvement in delivering an even more satisfying experience to users. Given another opportunity, I would love to re-design it and make it even better.


A mobile app provides membership and ordering platform to customers.


A new design system for an ordering experience, with "CONSISTENT" and "FLEXIBLE".

The Rink

A website for one of the best ice rink in Hong Kong.


A ordering pages for Hong Kong’s traditional noodles, with pixal art design.


(In progress) 
Case Study: Optimizing application performance with new analysis feature.